Dear Friends,
We hope everyone is having a bitchen summer because we sure are! In fact, me and Mr Murphy are far away from the City of Angels and currently in Knoxville, hard at work deep in the hills of Tennessee recording 10 new songs for our 8th full length album with our good friend Joel Stooksbury who is engineering and co producing once again with Mick!

Mick and I wrote the new album at home in LA over the last couple of months and although Mick has recorded the guitar, bass and drums on our last two albums, we have asked longtime friend and bassist Luciano Ferrea to handle the low end duties so he will be joining us here in Tennessee very soon. We're not ready to reveal the title as of yet, although I will say that the new album is made up of nine strong doom-laden tracks that incorporate our unique blend of screaming and spoken word. It also features a cover of a 1958 blues song originally recorded by the king of rock & roll, Elvis Presley which we've had a lot of fun putting our special red lipsticked evil twist on. Unlike 'A Southern Revelation' which was and angry and confrontational album, this new one is more introspective and there is an otherworldly ethereal feeling to it. I would describe it as a very sleep-deprived esoteric record. I suffer heavily from insomnia and the new album definitely reflects this mood.

Knoxville is Mick's hometown. We recorded our last album here at Soundtrack Black during the dead of winter with the studio buried under a thick layer of snow and cold temperatures. This time we're experiencing the studio in the summer with the heat of the Southern sun and lush green surroundings which has made for a nice warm change of atmosphere and inspiration. We've been having an amazing time here with Joel and his lovely wife Mindy who have opened their home and hearts to us and we will be posting updates from the studio over the next few weeks so make sure to check our blog and official Facebook page for updates!
Mrs M